Farman Turkington Forestry is a forest company based in Masterton and operates in the Wairarapa/Wellington regions. Our main specialty is Harvesting and Log Marketing of forests and woodlots. We currently have 9 logging crews working for us however we are also involved in a number of other aspects of the Industry, from ETS work, Establishment and Forest Management. Our main goal is to operate as a successful forest management business by maximising profits for forest owners and providing an affordable professional service that is based on integrity, honesty, accountability, and delivery.
Farman Turkington Forestry (FTF) pride ourselves on being the best at maximising returns for Forest owners.
We have a team of highly skilled and dedicated logging crews undertaking all our harvesting work. We are also involved in all aspects of the industry such as Establishment (planting and replanting), Pruning and Thinning, Forest Management and Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) work.
We supply logs to a number of local processors and export customers (through the Napier and Wellington ports). Your trees will be cut into logs that generate the highest possible net return. We are proudly independent free of any conflict of interest with any Wood Processors.
FTF employ skilled contractors to complete the work in a professional, safe and conscientious manner. We take care to understand your own operational requirements and ensure the harvesting site is tidy when finished.
FTF can offer you a variety of sale options. We can provide a managed sale option where we oversee the entire operation (logging, cartage, earthworks, marketing, invoicing, consents, etc) for a commission. Or FTF can offer you a lump sum payment for your trees.
FTF is actively involved in all aspects of the industry on a daily basis from establishing the forest, harvesting the forest, selling the logs through to working with Sawmills.
Payments are Guaranteed.
Guy Farman, Partner, FTF - Prior to establishing FTF in 2010, Guy was the Site Manager of Kiwi Lumber Masterton. This role followed 13 years forestry experience working for Kaingaroa Timberlands, Carter Holt Harvey Forests, Carter Holt Harvey Pulp and Paper and Asset Forestry. In addition, Guy has also worked in the Scottish Forest Industry.
John Turkington, Partner FTF – John established John Turkington Ltd (JTL) in 1993 which is a successful forestry consultancy business located in Marton. JTL employs between 20 logging contractors at any one time. Between FTF and JTL, we harvest approximately 1,000,000 tonnes annually, making us the largest harvesting and marketing company in the Southern North Island.